
Updating operating hours

Specifying your operating hours means clients won't be able to book appointments with you when you're not available.

Specifying your operating hours means clients won't be able to book appointments with you when you're not available. Your AppointmentGuru account will have default operating hours added when your account is created (8am-5pm) but you may want to change this. For example, you might not want to take appointments on a Monday morning and instead use the time to prepare for the week.

Your operating hours shouldn't change week-to-week. If there are ad hoc time slots that you don't want booked by clients, you can block off that time through the appointment creation process.

Here's how to manage your operating hours:

  1. Log into your AppointmentGuru account, click on Settings and then Locations.
  2. Click on Edit next to Operating hours and make your changes.
  3. Should you want to add different hours for different days, click on Add hours on that particular day.
  4. Remember to click on Save!