Connect your Zoom account

You can integrate your AppointmentGuru and Zoom accounts so that you can manage your Zoom meetings right from AppointmentGuru and have the meeting information automatically added to your appointments!

To connect your AppointmentGuru account to your Zoom account:

  1. From the site menu, click "integrations"
  2. Choose the Zoom integration and click "install"
  3. Click "Add to Zoom"

This will take you to an authentication screen on Zoom. You may need to log into your Zoom account if you are not already logged in. Zoom will then prompt you to give AppointmentGuru permissions to interact with your Zoom account.

Click the "Authorize" button.

You will then be redirected to AppointmentGuru where we will attempt to connect the accounts.

Ideally, you should get a success message. Now you're ready to start making online appointments!

Further reading: