AppointmentGuru Help

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Quick answers to some of the most common questions people have about AppointmentGuru

Getting started

Useful lessons to get your up to speed so that you can start getting the most out of AppointmentGuru as quickly as possible

Your account settings

Setting up AppointmentGuru is important. This section shows how you can configure your account so that your business runs smoothly!

Adding and managing appointments

Appointments are at the heart of AppointmentGuru. This section guides you through the basics and onto more advanced topics like repeat appointments, blocking out time for yourself and more.

Adding and managing clients

AppointmentGuru lets you manage your customers so that you can offer them the best service possible

Your website

With AppointmentGuru you get a free website. Look like a pro online


AppointmentGuru comes with a sophisticated notification platform. From confirmations to reminders, invoices and receipts, AppointmentGuru has got you covered. Learn how to configure your communications so that the perfect message is sent every time

Calendar and schedule

Learn how to manage your schedule with AppointmentGuru

Invoicing your clients

Invoicing is one of AppointmentGuru's strong points. Out automated invoicing system will save you hours of admin

Your AppointmentGuru subscription

Everything you need to know about managing your access to AppointmentGuru


Enhance the power of AppointmentGuru by integrating it with other products and services that you love

Let us do it for you

There are a lot of things our friendly staff at AppointmentGuru can do for you to help get you setup.


AppointmentGuru works great with larger businesses too. Learn how you can get your whole team set up with AppointmentGuru