Improvements to your AppointmentGuru account settings

Here's what's new and improved:


Aside from adding or editing your address, operating hours and appointment types, you can now make an appointment type private which means that if your clients make bookings themselves, they won't be able to select it - only you can. You can also set the order of your appointments to be in a specific order on your website or in the app.


Upload your logo and profile picture - both are displayed in your account, in the apps and your website. And the logo is added to your invoices.


Here you can edit the templated notification text sent automatically to you and your clients. We've written a useful help page on how to edit your notifications: Edit notifications.

Get online

This page lets you change the background of your free website (plus find your website address), and also choose whether you want to be listed in the AppointmentGuru app for your clients.


Once you're a paying AppointmentGuru customer, you can download your receipts from this page.

And of course, bug fixes and small improvements are always included in each release.

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